Unmatched capability and performance in finite element analysis As the
company's flagship product, ABAQUS/Standard enables a wide range of linear
and nonlinear engineering simulations to be carried out efficiently,
accurately, and reliably. The extensive analysis capabilities, superb
performance, thorough documentation, high quality, and best-in-class support
make ABAQUS/Standard an effective tool for many engineering analyses.
ABAQUS/Standard is supported within the ABAQUS/CAE modeling environment for
all common pre- and postprocessing needs. In addition, ABAQUS/Standard can
be accessed from within many common modeling environments that may be
appropriate to your needs
A common analysis requirement is the treatment of distinct solution regimes
where the characteristic time scale within each regime is different. From
any point within an ABAQUS/Standard run, the analysis can be "imported" as
the starting conditions for continuation in ABAQUS/Explicit. Similarly, an
analysis that starts in ABAQUS/Explicit can be imported as the starting
conditions for continuation in ABAQUS/Standard. The flexibility provided
by this integration allows ABAQUS/Standard to be applied to those portions
of the analysis that are well-suited to an implicit solution technique, such
as static, low-speed dynamic, or steady-state transport analyses; while
ABAQUS/Explicit may be applied to those portions of the analysis where
high-speed, nonlinear, transient response dominates the solution.
More info under http://www.abaqus.com/products
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