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CIMCO Software 2024 (24.01.31) | 742.2 mb
CIMCO A/S has released CIMCO Software 2024 (24.01.31) is a popular software that allows CNC machining technicians to edit NC code, simulate tool paths, and evaluate the safety of CNC machining programs.
Changes in CIMCO Software 2024 (24.01.31) - Released: Released: 19.12.2024
CIMCO Edit 2024.01.31
- Fix: Heidenhain reverse post: Issues when using work offset rotation angles. (S23390)
- Fix: An STL loading issues.
- Fix: A stock / holder collision range reporting issue.
- Fix: Reverse post: Issue with not correct matching line number to the tool path position in some cases.
- Fix: Mazak milling reverse posts: G53.1. (S23338)
- Fix: Fixed a possible crash when closing a Multi Channel view. (S23344)
- New: Simulation memory optimizations.
- New: Simulation window improvements.
- Fix: Reverse post: Unused variable output in some cases. (S23317)
- Fix: Fanuc reverse posts: supported variables #0, #3100, #3101, #3102. (S23317)
- Fix: Fanuc milling reverse post: arc moves when using G68.
- Fix: Mazak Integrex reverse post: G43.
- Fix: Reverse post: Using machine turret in tool change sequence for lathe machine simulation. (S23238)
- Fix: Siemens milling reverse post: CYCLE800 and CYCLE800() calls. (S23290)
CIMCO CNC-Calc 2024.01.31
- Fix: DXF polyline corrected so it now closes the contour.
CIMCO DNC-Max 2024.01.31
- New: Added support for multi head Fanuc Focas machines.
- Fix: Restrict access to the DNC-Max Client Configuration menu.
- New: Added auto backup feature to DNC-Max.
CIMCO MDC-Max 2024.01.31
- Change: Updated MDC log report to format TEXTVAR as a number if applicable.
- Fix: Web Client: Fixed issue causing Operator Screens to not display value updates correctly when 'Submit on Enter' was used.
- New: Added custom addresses for overrides in the Heidenhain protocol.
- Fix: Sum/Interval length for counters is now being used.
- Fix: Fixed selecting program for tables only working for some scenarios.
- New: Added custom override addresses for the HH protocol.
- New: Added support for XML attribute value in Flat file protocol (e.g. node/@attr).
- Fix: Fixed issue when FILE interface in Notification setup didn't show Attachments tab.
CIMCO NC-Base 2024.01.31
- New: Added restore database button to NC-Base Backup
CIMCO Software provides popular software solutions for computer integrated manufacturing. CIMCO programmes are integral to efficiency on the shop floor, providing not only great tools to get the job done, but also a powerful and integrated platform for editing, designing, visualising, managing and communicating CNC programmes and related content.
CIMCO Edit – The Editor of choice for CNC programmers
CIMCO Edit is easy to use and includes powerful features such as file compare, NC-Assistant, backplot, solid simulation and DNC capabilities to improve the productivity of CNC programmers. Specialized add-ons are available for viewing Mazatrol files, working with 2D CAD/CAM and 3D machine simulation.
CIMCO A/S is a leading provider of software and solutions for Computer Integrated Manufacturing. We offer a range of products that help you optimize your CNC workflow, such as advanced CNC-Editors, DNC software for reliable CNC communication, Manufacturing Data Collection for real-time monitoring and analysis of shop floor productivity, and Production Data Management for managing, controlling and securely storing all production related data. Our headquarters and main training facility are located in Copenhagen, Denmark. This is where our sales and support team operates from. Our technical service staff travels worldwide and has local offices in select countries.
Owner: CIMCO A/S
Product Name: CIMCO Software
Version: 2024 (24.01.31)
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.cimco.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 742.2 mb
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