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Focus Magic 6.00 (x64) | 139.3 Mb
Focus Magic is software that uses advanced forensic strength deconvolution technology to literally “undo” blur. It can repair both out-of-focus blur and motion blur (camera shake) in an image. It is the only software that can significantly recover lost detail from blurry images.

The World's Most Accurate Sharpening Software
We spent an hour taking deliberately blurred photos of a porcelain parrot (see left). This included out-of-focus images and motion blurred images with many different degrees of blur. We then fed them through lots of software applications. A small zoomed-in section of the image is displayed for your comparison.

Forensic-Strength for Out-of-Focus Blur
Focus Magic is the only software available that can recover the license plate shown. It uses the most sophisticated deconvolution technology to literally “undo” blur.

Forensic-Strength for Motion Blur
Here Focus Magic is used to recover the license plate of a car speeding along causing motion blur. Again, this license plate can only be recovered with Focus Magic.

Repair Old Photos
Use Focus Magic to enhance old historic photos which have high sentimental value. From the examples in the comparison above, you can see that Focus Magic has the most accurate algorithm for reversing the blur in a photo.

What's New in Version 6.0
Improvements That Have Been Made
Another two and a half man-years of research and development has been put by our developers into creating Version 6 which is now available for Windows. The Mac version is still under construction. The main differences are:-
1. The New Focusing Algorithm Produces a Cleaner Output
For the Focusing filter, Focus Magic now uses pattern matching rather than deconvolution (maths) to undo the blur of a photo. This produces a cleaner and more natural looking output which has fewer artefacts (distortions). The Motion Blur algorithm is the same as Version 5. If you want to run the old Version 5 logic then you can do that as an advanced option by Ctrl-clicking under the “Remove Noise” control.
2. A New Filter "Auto-Focus" Has Been Added
With “Auto-Focus”, you can sharpen an image without having to determine the Blur Width first. The output quality is usually a little less, but it is “Hands Free” and will do a good job with most moderately blurred photos.
3. The Increase Resolution Filter has been Improved Substantially And Is New For the Photoshop Plugin
You can now increase the resolution of an image either X2 (200%) or X4 (400%). Where before this filter was only available to the Windows stand-alone program, it is now also available to the Photoshop plugin.
It now has an option of dealing with “halos” which are a side effect of in-camera sharpening.

Operating System: Windows 10 – Windows 11 (64-bit)

Home Page - https://www.focusmagic.com/

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Download File Size:139.38 MB

Focus Magic 6.00 x64
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