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Antares AutoTune AU VST RTAS TDM OSX INTEL €25 buy download
Antares Auto-Tune 5 is a plug-in designed for correcting problems with
intonation, typically in vocal performances, but useable on other monophonic
instruments, too. Because of the manner in which it corrects pitch, Auto-Tune
also makes a useful tool for creatively altering pitch ala the ôCher effect.õ

Auto-Tune 5 is available in the Native version that supports RTAS, VST, and AU
formats, and separately in a TDM version for Pro Tools HD systems. Thereès also
a version for use with Roland hardware-based DAWs.

In Automatic mode, you select a key, a scale type, and a vocal range (alto,
soprano, etc.) and let Auto-Tune correct vocal performances on-the-fly.

The Retune Speed function lets you adjust how fast or slow pitch correction is
applied to the audio source. Faster settings are useful in pitch correcting
vocals with short words/notes, while the slower settings are better for use with
long-held notes and performances with portamento.

Bypass and Remove buttons let you select notes in the selected scale to either
remove (thus causing a note to be pitch-corrected to the nearest remaining note
in the scale) or to bypass correction, leaving certain notes unaffected by pitch

Pitch doesnèt have to be corrected to a predefined scale. Not only can you
define custom scales, but with Auto-Tune 5ès MIDI capabilities, you can either
play notes to match the vocal performance or you can supply the ôproperõ vocal
melody via a keyboard sequence and have the vocal audio pitch corrected to the

A Targeting Ignores Vibrato button enables a feature that attempts to discern
vibrato in a vocal performance and not pitch correct it.

Scales can be detuned from standard A-440 Hz pitch in case youère working with
a performance matched to an out of tune instrument (like an old organ or piano).

The Humanize feature exists for use with vocal performances that incorporate a
mix of short words and long-held notes. If you set the Retune Speed to optimally
treat the short words, it could render long-held notes a little sterile. The
Humanize feature lets you apply slower retune speeds to only the sustained

The Natural Vibrato feature lets you increase or decrease the depth of vibrato
in a performance. Note that this only works if there is vibrato in the
performance ò it doesnèt magically create vibrato (for that, turn to Graphical
Mode, or better yet, find a new singer).


Download File Size:14.16 MB

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