Go beyond the realm of basic FEA and explore the world of what's possible
with ABAQUS. Whether you need to understand the detailed behavior of a
complex assembly, explore some concepts for a new design, or simulate
a manufacturing process, ABAQUS provides the most complete and flexible
solution to help you get the job done. And, ABAQUS offers a world-renowned
support team to get you up to speed quickly, and to help you solve your
next impossible challenge in finite element analysis.
* Evaluate Concepts Often the biggest benefit offinite element analysis
can berealized by evaluating differentconcepts very early in thedesign
* Analyze Designs Understanding the detailedinteractions of a design,
such ascontact and material effects is acritical part of the development
* Simulate Processes Saving 5% on most manufacturing process translates
into enormous savings. But to do it right, you'll need a powerful solution
Supported OS:
ibm = AIX/Power
lnx86_64 = Linux/x86_64
linux64 = Linux/Itanium
win86_32 = Windows/x86_32
win86_64 = Windows/x86_64
Download File Size:3.37 GB