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Tonehammer Epic Dhol Vol.1 KONTAKT (1 dvd) €15 buy download
We bought three high-end Punjab Dhol drums and recorded
them in the same orchestral hall as our Epic Toms.
The Punjab Dhol is a double-sided barrel drum large and
bulky to produce the preferred loud bass. The drum
consists of a wooden barrel with animal hide or synthetic
skin stretched over its open ends, covering them completely.
These skins can be stretched or loosened with a tightening
mechanism made up of either interwoven ropes, or nuts and
bolts. Tightening or loosening the skins subtly alters the
pitch of the drum sound. The stretched skin on one of the
ends is thicker and produces a deep, low frequency
(higher bass) sound and the other thinner one produces a
higher frequency sound. In contemporary Punjabi music,
dhols with synthetic, or plastic, treble skins are very
common. The Tonehammer Epic Dhol drums follows our over
general direction in terms of recording all articulations
at 10 velocity layers and 10 round robin pr. velocity
layers. The Epic Dhol drums contains a great variety of
articulations, since each side of drum produces very
different sounds. Essentially its divided into a bass
section and a snare section. We played the bass section
with the traditional big wooden Dhol stick, mallet,
hands and fingers to ensure we covered the entire range.
The sound is remarkably close to Taiko drums, but with a
little more tone to it. The snare side was recorded with
the traditional thin bamboo Dhol stick, however we also
recorded this side with mallets, brushes and fingers.
In addition we recorded different rimshot positions on
the drum, so the users can create a variety of different
soundings rhythmic textures on the drum. Th library also
contains a substantial amount (+800) of BPM based loop
banks for instant user gratification. We recorded the
dhols and other smaller complimentary percussion
instruments together. The loops work perfect with the
multisampled sets, but also work perfectly as stand-alone
instant-gratification type of music loops.


Download File Size:1.53 GB

Tonehammer Epic Dhol Vol.1 KONTAKT (1 dvd)
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