In this you will learn Adobe Photoshop from various aspects
Part 1
In Part -1 you will learn the first steps with photoshop
1. Photo Shop Tool Panel,
2. Photo shop Workspace,
3. Creating a New Document
4. Open an existing file,picture,
5. Saving a Document,
6. Sizing Images-Sizing Tabs,
7. Saving Files For The Web.
Part 2
How To Edit Images:
1.Photoshop Color Modes,
2. Document Editing,
3. Working With Photoshop Image Adjustment Tools,
4. Working with The Photoshop Transform Tools.
Part 3
Working with Tools:
1. Add-Subtract Selection,
2. Blur Tool,Sharpen Tool and Smudge Tool,
3. Photoshop Brush Tools,
4. Photoshop Clone and Healing Tools,
5. The Crop Tool, 6. Dodge and Burn Tools,
7. The Gradient Tool,
8. The Lasso Tools,
9. The Magic Wand and The Quick Selection Tools,
10. Photoshop Marquee Tools,
11. Path Tool Options.

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